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Keller ISD Fine Arts will host its annual Marching Expo on Tuesday, October 1, at the Keller ISD Athletic Complex. Join bands from all four of Keller ISD's high schools and its seven middle schools to celebrate music from across the District.
Vista Ridge Middle School Choir Director Theresa Pritchard has been named a 2024 First-Time Editors’ Choice Choral Composer Honoree by J.W. Pepper.
A fifth-grader from Parkwood Hill Intermediate and a third-grader from Sunset Valley Elementary were the top two finishers in the Summer Learning A-Z Reading Challenge, reading a combined 1,339 books
The 2024 Varsity Football season is set to start this week, and Keller ISD looks forward to welcoming guests back to home games at the KISD Athletic Complex.Our stadium staff wants to ensure that all participants and fans have a safe and enjoyable experience, so please be sure to take a look at a few simple gameday guidelines.
Keller ISD's Career and Technical Education Department will host student mock interviews October 9-10, 2024, and organizers are looking for volunteers to interview high school seniors and help them prepare for future career opportunities.
Keller ISD is proud to announce that the Timberview Middle School Wind Ensemble, the Keller Middle School Wind Ensemble, the Timber Creek High School Wind Ensemble, and the Timber Creek Percussion Ensemble all have achieved the remarkable milestone of being selected to perform at the 2025 Music for All National Festival.
The Texas Board of Nursing has given guidance to school nurses regarding this practice, and over-the-counter medications will no longer be given by licensed nursing staff without a physician authorization and parent authorization.
Sixteen Timber Creek High School Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) students placed at the Educators Rising National Conference in Washington, D.C., June 28-July 1, 2024. Educators Rising is a career and technical student organization that prepares its members for a future as a teacher or in other educational careers.
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A Destination for Excellence
Learn more about some of the programs and partnerships that help Keller ISD cultivate learners, inspire leaders, and build a community of excellence!
Visit www.KellerISD.net/Enroll today to start your child's educational journey strong with Keller ISD!
There are endless educational opportunities available to Keller ISD students, and you'll want to be sure to take advantage of everything our school district has to offer. Whether students are headed for higher education, a career field, or to serve our country's armed forces, it all starts in Keller ISD. Kindergarten starts when a student is aged 5, with free Pre-K programs for qualifying individuals starting at younger ages.
Keller ISD has implemented a new cell phone policy aimed at reducing student distractions and minimizing interruptions to the learning process.
Advocate for our schools, our teachers, our staff, and our students by contacting your state elected officials and letting them know it's time to adequately fund Texas public schools!
Keller ISD's Career and Technical Education (CTE) program partners with the community to inspire, empower, and educate every student to excel in a diverse, global society for lifelong success. The hub of the District's CTE offerings is the Keller Center for Advanced Learning (KCAL), where high school students have the opportunity to take advanced CTE courses that prepares students for post-secondary endeavors through rigorous curriculum, relevant experiences, and lasting relationships.
Learn more about Keller ISD's CTE offerings at www.KellerISD.net/CTE.
The Keller ISD Education Foundation knows that KISD students and their education are important to the entire community. By working with community supporters, involved parents, active volunteers, and committed corporate sponsors, the Foundation is on a mission to support, fund, and promote educational excellence, innovation, and creativity in Keller ISD.