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Microsoft Logins Now Redirect through KCloud

Beginning October 1, Keller ISD students and employees will transition to single sign-on for all Microsoft applications by utilizing KCloud (ClassLink) to log in. 

Instituting this change will help to bolster and reinforce our security posture, in addition to improving the overall experience for employees and students by streamlining this process and making us more efficient.

“So, what does this mean and how will it affect me?”
Once this change has been implemented, whenever you try to log in to your Office 365 any other Microsoft applications, or your iCloud account on Apple products, you will get redirected to KCloud (ClassLink) for authentication.

“How does that work or what happens exactly?”
This will be identical to the change we made for Google/G-Suite at the beginning of the school year. Similarly, if you used Canvas or have ever submitted a Tech Help Ticket before, then you will have seen this in action and it should be very familiar to you. If not, use the scenarios below and follow along:

  • It’s Monday and you just got to your classroom. The first thing you do is go to Canvas by clicking on a bookmark ( that you saved. When you open that link it will redirect you to KCloud to log in. Then, after logging in successfully, it will take you to Canvas. 
  • However, let’s say instead that you went to KCloud first and then launched Canvas either by clicking the tile in KCloud, or by using your saved bookmark. In this instance, you would NOT be redirected to KCloud to log in, because you have logged in already. Therefore, it would just take you directly to Canvas. 

“So, you’re saying if I go to Office 365 and it takes me to KCloud first, I shouldn't panic?”
Correct! Rerouting through KCloud for authentication will be the expected behavior once we have it all configured. Also, don’t forget that this applies to all students as well, so please let them know and hopefully they won’t be too surprised!