Counseling Resources

Personal & Social Counseling

  • Keller ISD follows the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling 


    Comprehensive Family Resources
    This site contains additional resources for students and families ranging from food assistance, emergency housing, healthcare assistance, and immigration/refugee help


    Friends for Life
    The Campus Crime Stoppers Friends for Life Program began as a partnership with the Fort Worth ISD “It’s Not Okay” campaign during the 2010-2011 school year. The campaign encourages students to make healthy decisions and ask for help when they or their friends are in need. The Campus Crime Stoppers Friends for Life Program focuses on behaviors and issues that can place the student and others at risk and will serve as a resource for students who want to report fellow students who are victims of bullying, cyber bullying, sexting, dating or family violence, gang activity, sexual harassment, or has suicidal tendencies