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KMS Band Director Earns National Band Association Citation of Excellence Award

Keller ISD is proud to announce that David Puckett, Keller Middle School band director, has been named a recipient of the National Band Association's Citation of Excellence award.

This prestigious award recognizes outstanding concert band directors whose ensembles consistently achieve high levels of accomplishment.Photo of David Puckett Additionally, it honors individuals who make significant contributions to the field of band music education. State Chairs from each National Band Association Division nominate candidates for this esteemed recognition.

Mr. Puckett's nomination stems from his bands' multiple appearances at the renowned Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic. This accomplishment stands alongside a distinguished record of achievements at local, state, and national levels.

"We are incredibly proud of the work Mr. Puckett has accomplished," KISD Fine Arts Director Kim Blann said. "His dedication, passion for music education, and the amazing musicians he leads have all contributed to this well-deserved recognition."

About the National Band Association
The National Band Association, founded on September 11, 1960, is the largest professional organization for bands in the world. It was organized for the purpose of promoting the musical and educational significance of bands and is dedicated to the attainment of a high level of excellence for bands and band music.