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Private Instruction and Enrichment

The Keller Independent School District offers students the opportunity to study privately through an organized private lesson program through the Fine Arts Department.

Private lessons are available to any student participating in a middle school or high school fine arts course in the KISD and on various campuses at lower grades. Participation is completely voluntary.

Private lessons are offered as a supplement to classroom instruction. The lessons are designed to utilize the characteristic literature of the instrument, voice, or audition, not to rehearse the literature which a student will be performing in the fine arts classroom.

The Keller ISD Fine Arts Private Lesson Program is administered by the Director of Fine Arts and the KISD fine arts staff. Prospective private instructors will be recruited, interviewed and recommended by KISD music, theatre, art, and dance teachers.

All students who participate in the program must first complete an application form with the signature of a parent/guardian. The private lesson fees vary up to $24 per 30 minute lesson. Fees are paid directly to lesson teachers.

Private Lesson Rates

  • Rates vary, however the maximum payment for each lesson (22-30 minutes) may not exceed $24.00

  • The lesson minimum is 22 minutes, however the ideal length is 30 minutes


Students may sign up for Private Instruction by completing the form below and returning it to his or her fine arts instructor.

Parent Consent/Student Application Form 

Students may be eligible for scholarships from his or her home campus fine arts program. To apply, please complete the form below and return to your fine arts instructor.

Scholarship Application Form