These resources provide teachers, parents, and community members viable tools, data, and information for supporting the arts in KISD.
Higher Graduation Rates
Did you know?
- The graduation rate for Texas is 89%
- The graduation rate for KISD is 92.7%
- The graduation rate of KISD Fine Arts Students (those who take more than one fine arts class in high school) is 97.1%
Higher Test Scores
Students in the arts continue to outperform their non-art peers on the S.A.T. according to the College Entrance Examination Board. In 1995, SAT scores for students who studied the arts more than four years were 59 points higher on the Verbal and 44 points higher in the Math portions than students without the same art experiences.
Lower Drop-Out Rates
In high school, the longer students take fine arts classes, the less likely they are to drop out, according to a study for The Center for Fine Arts Education.
Art Smart
- An arts education connects young people to themselves, their culture and civilization. It provides the imagination to see something wholly new in the most ordinary materials and events while daring them to challenge tired modes of expression.
- An arts education develops collaborative and teamwork skills, technical competencies, flexible thinking, and an appreciation for diversity.
- The arts are an industry in their own right---the arts are an economically sound investment for communities of all sizes. The arts are a net contributor to the nation’s economy. The annual contributions of the arts to the national economy is over $36.8 billion a year. The number of jobs supported by the arts nationally is over 1.3 billion.