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2024-25 Pre-K Enrollment


Students eligible to enroll in Pre-Kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year must be 4 years of age on or before September 1, 2024. 

If you are enrolling a new student in another grade beyond Pre-Kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year (beginning August 14, 2024), please visit the 2024-25 New Student Enrollment page

Current Keller ISD students who complete the 2023-2024 school year and plan to re-enroll for the 2024-2025 school year are considered returning students. An email for each returning student containing a unique Snapcode will be sent to the student’s primary guardian beginning July 8, 2024. Please do not enroll your returning student as a new student. 

Before proceeding, please make sure you select the correct enrollment year. Any new student enrollment form submitted incorrectly will be deleted and require you to resubmit the entire form. 

  • If you are enrolling an Early Education or Pre-Kindergarten new student for the CURRENT 2023-24 school year (to attend today through May 23, 2024), please visit the 2023-24 Pre-K Enrollment page. 
  • If you are enrolling a Kindergarten-12th Grade new student for the CURRENT 2023-24 school year (to attend today through May 23, 2024), please visit the 2023-24 New Student Enrollment page. 

Please DO NOT proceed with the process below unless your child is eligible* and plans to start school in the 2024-25 school year (beginning August 14, 2024). 

Click on your preferred language to begin New Student Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year: 

All KISD Pre-K enrollments must be submitted through the KISD Online Enrollment process.

If you do not have access to a computer or the internet at home, you may contact one of our Early Learning Centers for technology assistance to enroll your child.

Early Learning Center North | 817-744-6700
Early Learning Center South | 817-743-8300

General Education Students
General education students who are eligible for the free Pre-Kindergarten program must be 4 years of age by September 1 and must meet one of the Pre-K qualifiers (see list below).

Tuition-Based Pre-Kindergarten Students
The Texas Education Agency outlines criteria for students to qualify for Pre-K services at no cost to the family. In the past, Keller ISD has been able to offer limited tuition-based Pre-K for students who do not meet state criteria. Due to KISD's increase in qualifying Pre-K enrollment, the District is no longer anticipating the ability to offer tuition-based Pre-K. 

Students who qualify for Pre-K based on state criteria will be placed in Pre-K first. Any family wanting tuition-based Pre-K services through Keller ISD will be placed on a waiting list. If space is available for tuition-based Pre-K enrollment, Keller ISD will notify those families on the tuition-based waiting list by June 15. 

Special Education Students
Special education students who qualify to attend our ECSE, TALK and Itinerant Speech programs will complete online enrollment upon completion of the initial ARD meeting.

Required Enrollment Documents for All Pre-K Students

  • Certified Birth Certificate
  • Child's Social Security Card
    (optional, but preferred) 
  • Photocopy of Parent's ID
    (state-issued ID)
  • Proof of Residency
    (current utility bill – gas, electric, or water – lease or housing contract) 
  • Immunization Record
    (must include physician signature or stamp)
  • Proof of Income
    (SNAP letter, most recent paycheck stub from all income-earners, or self-employed families ONLY can submit tax returns) 

Additional Required Documents for Free Pre-K Students
(must meet at least one qualifier below) 

  • English Learner/Emergent Bilingual Student 
    (language test required and will be administered by District personnel)
  • Eligible for National Free or Reduced-Price Lunch Program 
    (SNAP letter, most recent paycheck stub from all income earners, or self-employed families ONLY can submit tax returns)  
  • Homeless
    (McKinney Vento residential questionnaire) 
  • Child or Step-Child of an Active Duty Member of Armed Forces or Who Was Injured Or Killed While Serving on Active Duty 
    (US DoD photo identification, statement of service from the installation adjutant general director of human resources, or a copy of the death certificate or a DoD form that indicates death as the reason for separation from service) 
  • Is, Or Has Ever Been, In Conservatorship of Dept. of Family and Protective Services 
    (letter from DFPS and Child Protective Services) 
  • Child of a Person Eligible for Star of Texas Award, as: 
    (resolution/certificate awarded to individual serves as proof of eligibility) 
    • Peace Officer under Sec. 3106.002, Gov't Code; 
    • Firefighter under Sec. 3106.003, Gov't Code; or
    • Emergency Medical First Responder under Sec. 3106.004, Gov't Code