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2024-25 New Student Enrollment


Students eligible to enroll in Kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2024. 

If you are enrolling an Early Education or Pre-Kindergarten new student for the 2024-25 school year (beginning August 14, 2024), please visit the 2024-25 Pre-K Enrollment page

Welcome to the Keller Independent School District! As a service to our community, we provide secure online enrollment for parents whose student meets either of the following criteria:  

  • The student will be enrolling in Keller ISD for the first time; or
  • The student has been enrolled in Keller ISD in the past but is not currently enrolled with the District. 

If your student does not meet the new student criteria listed above, please do not proceed with enrollment.  

If your student meets either of these criteria, we welcome you to begin completing the New Student Enrollment Form for the 2024-25 school year which begins on August 14, 2024. 

Current Keller ISD students who complete the 2023-2024 school year and plan to re-enroll for the 2024-2025 school year are considered returning students. An email for each returning student containing a unique Snapcode will be sent to the student’s primary guardian beginning July 8, 2024. Please do not enroll your returning student as a new student.  

Click on your preferred language to begin New Student Enrollment: 

Required Documents for All New Kindergarten-12th Grade Students 

  • Student's Certified Birth Certificate
    If the student's birth certificate cannot be provided, you must complete the Birth Certificate Exception Form and provide one of the following documents:
    • Passport
    • Adoption Records
    • Church Baptismal Record
    • School ID Card
    • Hospital Birth Record
    • Any other legal document that establishes identity 
  • Student's Social Security Card 
    (optional, but preferred) 
  • Parent/Legal Guardian Photo ID
  • Proof of Residency 
    (see below for required documentation) 
  • Student's Immunization Record
    (must include physician signature or stamp) 
    • Student immunization records must be validated by a physician's signature or stamp. Current immunization requirements can be found at
    • All students new to the District must present an immunization record prior to enrollment approval. 
    • All incoming seventh-grade students are required to have a Tdap Booster and an MCV4 (meningitis vaccine) prior to the first day of school. 

Additional Documents (if applicable)

  • Proof of legal restrictions (signed court orders or legal documents in their entirety); or
  • Department of Family Protective Services (DFPS) Form 2015 or DFPS E-2095.

Required Residency Information 
If a parent/guardian owns or rents their current residence, they may provide ONE of the following documents as proof of residency:  

  • A rental/lease agreement that includes the name(s) of the renter(s), the address of the residence, the start and end dates of the lease, and the signatures of both the owner/landlord/property manager and the tenant/renter, OR
  • A utility service bill (gas, water, or electric bill, or a utility service request for new customers).
    • The entire utility bill must be provided displaying the name of the owner/renter of the residence, the address of the residence, and the service dates on the bill must be dated within the last 60 days.
    • Documents that will not be accepted are a utility termination notice, utility letter of credit, cellular phone bill, cable/internet bill, insurance bill, mortgage statement, debit or credit card statement, toll tag bill, medical statement, tax statement, or any document that is blank, blurry, or unreadable. 

If a parent/guardian is in the process of purchasing or building a new residence and cannot provide a current utility bill for the new property, they may provide ONE of the following documents as proof of residency:

  • A purchase contract or closing document displaying the name of the purchaser of the property, the address of the property, the projected closing date of the sale of the property, and the signatures of both the purchaser and the seller.
  • A builder’s contract displaying the name of the purchaser of the property, the address of the property, the projected completion date of the project, and the signatures of both the purchaser and the builder.

Any of the proof of residency documents listed above must be in the name of one of the student’s parents or legal guardian. If a parent/guardian does not own or rent their current residence and they are currently living in the home of someone that is NOT the parent/guardian of the student that is not due to a homeless or temporary living situation, the parent/guardian will be required to provide a notarized Affidavit of Residency form and additional supporting documentation from the owner/renter of the residence. 

Click here for the Affidavit of Residency Form and required documents

How to Upload Additional Enrollment Documents
Please click here to upload any documents you did not provide before submitting your online enrollment forms.

Documents may not be delivered or emailed to the campus. The above link is only to be used after you have submitted the New Student Online Enrollment form.

Enrollment Support 
If you experience technical difficulties connecting to online enrollment, please use one of the options provided below: