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Hall of Fame Eligibility

To be inducted in the Keller ISD Athletics Hall of Fame, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a former student-athlete, coach or individual through their contributions both on the field and off having made the KISD community proud while demonstrating outstanding character.
  2. Meets at least one of the following criteria:
    1. Has attended public schools in the KISD or
    2. Has been or is a resident in KISD or
    3. Has been previously employed by the Keller School District
    4. Has been or is a volunteer in the Keller School District
  3. KISD HOF nomination form has been submitted
  4. Fully completes the KISD HOF Application
    1. Listing specific sports involved, level of participation (high school, college, professional, etc.) and the number of years in each area that applies.
    2. Sends documentation, including copies of newspaper articles, certificates, letters, etc.
  5. Documents all that apply:
    1. Volunteer Youth Sport Activities
    2. Athletic Coaching as a profession
    3. Sports Administration
    4. Sports writing, announcing, and/or broadcasting
    5. Sports medicine, medical or physical therapy related to sports
    6. Sponsoring sport groups or sporting events
    7. Athletic participation
    8. Sports officiating, including refereeing, umpiring and judging
  6. Describes personal accomplishments in or through sports
    1. Honors received
    2. Records held
    3. Scholarships
    4. Community involvement
    5. Others
  7. Describes Personal Characteristics
    1. Role Model
    2. Good standing in the community
    3. Positive rapport with people
    4. Continued dedication to sports
    5. Other
    6. Background
  8. Submits Personal Background Information
    1. Birthdate and place of birth
    2. Cities of residence
    3. Schools attended
    4. Parents name and number of brothers and sisters
    5. Past places of employment
    6. Present employment or retired
    7. Any other related background information