Parent Notice of HB 657
Parent Notice of HB 657
August 28, 2019
Parental Notice of HB 657
Legislation affecting State Assessments for Special Education Students
Keller ISD wants to notify parents of new legislation affecting state assessments for Special Education Students.
HB 657— STAAR—Procedures for students enrolled in a special education program who fail to perform satisfactorily on certain assessment instruments. Takes effect immediately. The bill requires the ARD committee, for a student who does not pass the state assessment, to meet before the second test administration. The ARD committee will have the option to promote the student to the next grade level if it concludes the student has made sufficient progress in the measurable goals in the student’s IEP. If the district promotes the student, per the ARD committee decision, the district is not required to provide an additional testing opportunity. Districts are required to notify parents, not later than September 1 of each school year, of this ARD committee option.
If you have any questions, please contact the school principal of your child’s campus.