Title I Schools
Title I, Part A provides supplemental funding for resources to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families provide high-quality education that will enable all children to meet the state's student performance standards.
These programs must use effective methods and instructional strategies that are grounded in scientifically-based research. Keller ISD has eleven schools that serve as Title I Schoolwide Campuses.
Family Involvement Overview
A component of the Title I program is the parent/school relationship. Each Title I campus works with families to support student success by offering various parent involvement opportunities throughout the year. Before you volunteer, you must complete a criminal background check. This helps to keep students safe at our schools.
Click here to access the Keller ISD Online Volunteer Application.
Students in Neglected Facilities
Keller ISD, in accordance with regulations of Title I, sets aside funding to provide comparable services to children in local institutions for neglected children. KISD provides after-school tutoring for the students at Christ's Haven for Children, Inc.
Homeless Students at Non-Title I Campuses
Keller ISD, in accordance with regulations of Title I, sets aside required funding to provide comparable services to homeless students attending non-Title I campuses. Services include before and after-school tutoring and transportation to the school of origin.
Helpful Title I Links:
- Parent Involvement State Initiative, Education Service Center Region XVI
- Texas Education Agency (TEA)
- U.S. Department of Education
Keller ISD Title I Contacts
Leigh Cook, Director of State & Federal Programs
Sharon Murphy, Secretary to Director of State & Federal Programs
Misty Gann, Social Worker