Community Resources
Parents of students in special education may find the following community resources for support and information helpful.
Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas
The mission of DSPNT is to support people with Down Syndrome, their families, and communities in reaching their full potential. This support includes outreach to new parents, monthly newsletters, educational programs and social events.
Families of Effective Autism Treatment
FEAT-NT services directly impact those living with autism NOW and help to meet their needs today right here in our own communities. FEAT-NT is a non-profit organization of parents and concerned professionals dedicated to providing education, advocacy, and support for individuals with autism and their families. FEAT-NT has an Autism Resource Center and Library that provides valuable research, training and support regarding autism interventions and services.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Council of Tarrant County
IDD Council of Tarrant County serves as a community coalition of providers, public officials, families and self-advocates who have come together to increase opportunities for people with IDD. The organizatoin seeks to bring inclusion and awareness of IDD through community events and education.
Ability Connection
Ability Connection is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to enrich the lives of people with disabilities, one person at a time. The organization believes a disability is a naturally occurring part of life, not a defining characteristic. It provides each individual with unique support and training through world-class services. Ability Connection's services include: residential facilities, community supports through Medicaid waiver programs, training centers with tiered level of support, group activities, and field trips. Its goal is to socialize members with their peers and in their community leading to more enriched lives.
The Arc of DFW Area empowers individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to live life as they define it through advocacy, awareness, training and support. The Arc of DFW area provides referrals to community resources, information on how to navigate the special education process, and government agencies.
MHMR (My Health, My Resources)
MHMR is an independent local unit of government who’s services include mental health, intellectual, and developmental delays; early childhood intervention transportation; and supported employment.
MHMR provides community-based services for youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), mental health conditions, and substance use disorders, as well as babies and young children with developmental delays.
Deaf-Blind Multihandicapped Association of Texas
The mission of DBMAT is to promote and improve the quality of life for all Texans who are deaf-blind multi-handicapped, deaf multi-handicapped, and blind multi-handicapped. It offers resource information and referrals to families, professionals, state agencies, and provider agencies serving people who are deaf-blind multihandicapped of all ages. The organization helps facilitate parent-to-parent linkage in geographical areas, statewide, and nationwide. DBMAT also encourages sibling-to-sibling networking.