Judging Criteria
Below is a detailed insight into judging procedures and scoring criteria for films submitted to the festival.
The judges’ panel is comprised of non-campus based Keller ISD administrators, non-Keller ISD education professionals and video industry professionals. Entrants’ names and campuses are never revealed to the judges, only the age group and entry category.
Judges watch all films submitted in one age group and/or category, then reward them based on a detailed rubric. While the rubric is altered for the specificity of that particular category, here is an example of the general guidelines that each rubric follows:
Flow & Coherency (10 points)
LOW (0-3 points)
Little or no evidence of planning of storyline or events in presentation. Film feels awkward or confusing.
AVERAGE (4-7 points)
Some degree of planning evident in storyline or sequence of events. Film makes sense.
EXEMPLARY (8-10 points)
Storyline or events are well planned and flow smoothly. Film is cohesive and effective in its goal.
Creativity (10 points)
LOW (0-3 points)
Little apparent thought given to interesting or original ways to present story/events.
AVERAGE (4-7 points)
Some evidence of thought put in to originality and creativity of subject and techniques.
EXEMPLARY (8-10 points)
Movie is presented with creativity, originality and enthusiasm.
Technical Merit - Video (10 points)
LOW (0-3 points)
Little apparent thought given to camera angle or lighting of scene/subject. Limited or no editing apparent.
AVERAGE (4-7 points)
Thoughtful camera angles/lighting. Editing good but not tight. Transitions/titling used appropriately.
EXEMPLARY (8-10 points)
Varying/effective camera angles/lighting techniques. Editing thorough and tight. Transitions/titling flowed with story.
Technical Merit - Audio (10 points)
LOW (0-3 points)
Little or no sound effects and/or music. Voices not clear or sharp. Volume levels/audio mix not controlled.
AVERAGE (4-7 points)
Sound effects and/or music appropriate to topic. Voice clarity good. Volume levels/audio mix adequate.
EXEMPLARY (8-10 points)
Effective use of both sound effects and/or music to topic. Voices clear and sharp. Volume levels/audio mix controlled.
Overall Impact (10 points)
LOW (0-3 points)
Video did not fit the intent of the category entered or was not clear. Evoked indifferent response from viewer.
AVERAGE (4-7 points)
Video met intent of category entered but lacked impact.
EXEMPLARY (8-10 points)
Video clearly met intent of category with enthusiasm and impact. Evoked appropriate response from viewer.