Title IX
Any and all acts of misconduct that are sexual in nature may be sexual harassment prohibited by Title IX, a federal law. This page is meant to help guide you through the complicated legal framework and processes that are required to comply with the new rules associated with Title IX.
Any employee who has knowledge of such misconduct must report the information to the District's Title IX Coordinator, Sheri Rich. You may report such misconduct in any of the following ways:
- Email to Sheri.Rich@kellerisd.net
- Phone call to 817-744-1000
- Mail to Keller ISD, Attention: Sheri Rich, 350 Keller Parkway, Keller, TX 76248
Title IX Definitions
- Sexual Harassment
- Education Program or Activity
- Actual Knowledge
- Supportive Measures
- Complainant
- Respondent
- Formal Complaint
- Preponderance of the Evidence
Sexual Harassment
Education Program or Activity
Actual Knowledge
Supportive Measures
Formal Complaint
Preponderance of the Evidence
Policy on Sexual Harassment
Below are Keller ISD's Legal and Local policies relating to harassment, including sexual harassment. Also included is the exhibit to the policies, which identifies the individuals responsible for various harassment areas, including their contact information.