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Check Acceptance Policy

Please be aware that if your check is returned, it may be re-presented electronically. Also, in presenting a check for payment, you authorize service charges and processing fees to be debited from the same account should the check be dishonored. These fees, as permitted by state law, may be debited as a paper draft or an electronic funds transfer, at our option. Each dishonored item is subject to the applicable state returned check fees.

Specifically, per Texas Business & Commerce Code Annotated § 3.506, the service fee for returned checks is $30. (Note that the fee structure will change according to any amendments made to TX law during a school year.).

If you wish to inquire about a returned check written to Keller Independent School District, please contact Envision Payment Solutions™ directly at the information listed below.

Envision logo and text that says, %22We gladly welcome your personal checks.%22

Customers (check writers) with returned check inquiries should contact:

Envision Payment Solutions™
Tel: 877.290.5460, or 770.709.3100
Fax: 770.709.3007
P.O. Box 157
Suwanee, GA 30024-0157

If your check was returned prior to August 1, 2011, please contact CheckSmart Recovery at 1.888.851.6634