Progress Reports & Report Cards
Keller ISD knows that monitoring the progress of a student's educational journey is critical to their academic success.
2024-2025 Progress Reporting & Report Card Calendar
Click the button below for more information about progress reports, report cards and UIL timelines in the District.
2024-2025 Report Card Information
KISD Standards-Based Report Cards
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
The Keller Independent School District uses a standards-based report card for kindergarten and first grade. The standards-based report card describes what students should know, understand, and be able to do; and demonstrates progress over time.
There are four indicators used to share progress on the report card. Our goal is that your child demonstrates a minimum of satisfactory performance on grade level standards by the end of the year.
- 4 - Student is independently performing at the learning progression competency (skill)
- 3 - Student is consistently performing at the learning progression competency (skill)
- 2 - Student is sometimes performing at the learning progression competency (skill)
- 1 - Student is not able to perform at the learning progression competency (skill)
Children are unique and develop at very different rates. Performance levels may change as the content becomes more rigorous and independence is developed throughout the year. The standards based report card is simply one tool used to communicate your child’s academic progress.
Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at any time with questions and to see more specific evidence of his/her learning. We are so glad to be partnering with you on your child’s learning journey!