Book Purchase Previews
Per Policy EFB (Local), all new library book purchases must be listed for community preview at least 30 days before appearing on library shelves. Keller ISD will list the intended purchases 30 days before the Board of Trustees approves their purchase.
Keller ISD's book review process
Parents, students, and/or community members are welcome to provide concerns by submitting feedback.
2023-2024 School Year
List of books to be considered for action at March 28 Board Meeting
List of books to be considered for action at December 13 Board Meeting
List of books to be considered for action at October 24 Board Meeting
List of books to be considered for action at November 11 Board Meeting
List of books to be considered for action at December 12 Board Meeting
List of books to be considered for action at January 23 Board Meeting
List of books to be considered for action at February 27 board meeting rev. 1/27/2023
List of books to be considered for action at April 24 board meeting
List of books to be considered for action at July 24 Board Meeting rev7.25.2023