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Professional Learning Requirements for Staff

The Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students requires administrators, counselors, and teachers that are involved in the campus A.R.E. committees, cluster classroom placement, and provide instruction and services to Gifted & Talented students to possess the knowledge required to develop and provide appropriate options and differentiated curricula.

GT Core consists of the initial 30 hours of GT training. 

  • 5.1 A minimum of thirty (30) clock hours of professional development that includes the nature and needs of gifted/talented students, identification and assessment of gifted/talented students’ needs, and curriculum and instruction for gifted/talented students is required for teachers who provide instruction and services that are a part of the district’s defined gifted/talented services. Teachers are required to have completed thirty (30) hours of professional development prior to their assignment to the district’s gifted/talented services (19 TAC §89.2(1)).
  • 5.2 Teachers without required training who are assigned to provide instruction and services that are part of the district’s defined gifted/talented services are required to complete the thirty (30) hour training within one semester (19 TAC §89.2(2)).

GT Updates, a minimum of 6 hours, is required annually for all teachers serving gifted and talented students in grades K-12 after completing the initial 30 hours of GT Core/Foundations training.

  • 5.6 Teachers who provide instruction and services that are a part of the district’s defined gifted/talented services receive a minimum of six (6) hours annually of professional development in gifted/talented education that is related to state teacher gifted/talented education standards (19 TAC §89.2(3) and TAC §233.1).
  • 5.6.1 Teachers who provide instruction and services that are a part of the district’s defined gifted/talented services receive a minimum of six (6) hours annually of professional development in gifted/talented education based on evaluation of G/T services. 

GT Course Credit Waivers

  • Teachers unable to complete the 30-hour GT Core/Foundations requirement in their first semester may be granted a district-approved extension up to one semester of non-compliance. Waiver agreements must be signed by the teacher, GT Specialist/Liaison, and campus administrator overseeing Gifted & Talented services.

Professional Learning Requirements

Gifted and Talented Endorsement or Supplemental Certificate (SBEC)

The State Board for Educator Certification offers a TExES exam for the GT Supplemental Certification. In order to become GT certified, teachers must register for the exam, take it, pass it, and pay a fee to add the credential to their Educator Certificate. This certification is currently optional and not required by the state.

Teachers holding a Gifted & Talented Endorsement or a Gifted & Talented Supplemental Certificate must fulfill the professional development requirements if serving Gifted and Talented students in the classroom. This includes the 30 hours of GT Core/Foundations and the annual 6 hours of GT Update, in accordance with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students (Section 4.1.1 C, 4.2C)

GT PD Credit Request

If you are a campus administrator, GT specialist/liaison, or outside of the district entity and need to request GT credit for your planned professional development, please fill in the request form here. You will need to submit your presentation or workshop objectives in the form for review.

If you have any questions about whether your planned professional development can earn GT credit, please take a look at the KISD Core Area and Teacher Competencies for Gifted/Talented Professional Development and the Can my PD earn GT credit files linked below.  You can email Donna Hodge with any further questions.


KISD Core Areas and Teacher Competencies for Gifted/Talented