Elementary & Intermediate GT Services K - 6
Students identified as Gifted & Talented in Grades K-6 are clustered within their homerooms in the General Education setting. Homeroom teachers who have received 30 hours of Gifted and Talented professional development differentiate instruction to ensure appropriately challenging learning opportunities within the content area and employ strategies such as flexible pacing and grouping, tiered instruction, and extension activities.
The campus GT Specialist meets with Gifted & Talented students weekly during Excel (pull-out model) to provide activities designed to address the unique learning and social-emotional needs of gifted students. Based on the campus needs, the GT Specialist also meets with identified Students during Spark (pull-out model) to address specific advanced academic needs of the students. GT Specialists facilitate the growth of advanced and GT students as independent, self-directed learners, with the development of skills, concepts, and positive attitudes within the cognitive, emotional, and social domains. Campus GT Specialists support General Education classroom teachers with the implementation of instructional strategies in the content areas.
Students in Grades 3-6 are encouraged to pursue areas of interest in selected disciplines through guided and independent research leading to the development of advanced-level products and/or performances. The 21st-Century skills of innovation, communication, problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking, and information/media/technological literacy are reinforced as KISD’s gifted learners become lifelong learners.
Academic Acceleration through a Credit by Exam is another way for students to adjust their coursework based on their individual needs.
If you have questions, please reach out to the campus GT Specialist.