Gifted & Talented Services
The mission of Keller ISD's Gifted and Talented Services is to advocate for and empower students by equitably providing gifted students with cognitive, social, and emotional support through intentionally designed opportunities so that they may attain personal growth in order to meet their potential and pursue their passion.
According to the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students, “Gifted/talented students are ensured opportunities to work together as a group, work with other students, and work independently during the school day as well as the entire school year as a direct result of gifted/talented service options” (19 TAC 89.3(1)).
Foundation for Learning:
Differentiated Instruction for the Gifted & Talented
Differentiated Instruction in the General Education classroom is the cornerstone of all Gifted & Talented services provided to identified students in Keller ISD. Differentiated instruction consists of instructional delivery from the General Education teacher modified for the most appropriate content, instructional processes, products or assessments, or affective and environmental considerations for learning. The Gifted & Talented cluster groups are established for each General Education core content area. Gifted & Talented identified students are served through the cluster groups and receive instruction on content within the district curriculum that is differentiated by the General Education teacher to present learning experiences aligned to their abilities.
G.T. services are supports are varied depending on the grade level in order to meet the varied needs of our GT students. Please click the link you need below to take you to more information about the grade-specific GT services.
Academic Acceleration (K-12)
Credit-by-Exam for Acceleration, Dual Credit, Dual Enrollment, and Virtual Learning are further options for advanced and gifted students to earn credit through accelerated and/or enriched study. Keller ISD students in grades K-12 will be afforded the opportunity to accelerate through courses in which they have received no prior instruction. K-12 Acceleration Pathways include options for accessing advanced grade-level curriculum and instruction and online coursework. Assessment opportunities for Credit by Exam (CBE) will be offered at designated times of the school year. Please take a look at the Academic Acceleration site for more information.