2017 Visioning Journey
Since beginning the Visioning journey in October 2017, nearly 3,000 individuals in the community took time to respond to the District's Visioning Questionnaire, and Keller ISD held four Educational Summits – one in each of the District's high school feeder patterns – completed 120 in-depth interviews with representatives from six stakeholder groups – parents, students, administrators, teachers, former students, and community members – and compiled District/Market Research that focused on the population, economic, social, and technological identity of Keller ISD. Common themes and insights from the interviews, questionnaire responses, and market research were compiled as findings representative of the KISD community's voice.
In February 2018, the Keller ISD Visioning team brought these findings before a group comprised of representatives from the six stakeholder groups during a student and adult Vision Alignment Workshop (VAW) for discussion and validation. Fueled by the voice of the community, members of the VAW worked to define a draft set of core values and specific strategies written in the form of problem statements that, when solved, demand innovation.
Following the student and adult VAW, a Strategy Audit team was assembled with representatives from the six stakeholder groups to audit these strategies to see how other organizations (both educational and non-educational) address similar subjects. This audit research will serve as a catalyst when action and planning and implementation begin now that Keller ISD's Board of Trustees has approved the strategies.
Core Values
The Visioning Core Values were adopted at the May 17, 2018, Board Meeting.
We Value:
- Care for our teachers because the impact of their work prepares students for their future.
- Passionate teaching dedicated to content and craft that inspires others.
- Relationships as the foundation for how we teach, learn, work, and play together in a safe, engaging, and caring way.
- Exploration and the pursuit of one’s passion that leads to personal growth.
- Communication and collaboration that strengthens our unity.
- Respect for the diversity of our school community through a culture of understanding and personalized learning opportunities.
Our Strategies:
- In what ways might school be so interesting, and foster such curiosity and wonder, that it propels endless opportunities?
- In what ways might we/I clarify our/my purpose in a way that builds trust and unity?
- In what ways might we proactively support teachers so they can focus on teaching?