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Keller MS Additions & Renovations

Rendering of proposed KMS addition design


Status: Under Construction 
Construction Budget: $21,304,717 
Completion Date: August 2023 

This project will include building additions to the fine arts program areas, including a new band hall, choir, and orchestra classrooms. The new areas will also provide practice spaces and additional storage to support these program areas. Existing fine arts spaces will be renovated, as well as athletics locker rooms and core academic spaces. 

April 2023 Update

Aerial view of Keller MS construction.
Aerial view of Keller MS construction.
Aerial view of Keller MS construction.


January 2023 Update

Fine Arts Addition and Renovation Project

External view of Keller MS Fine Arts additions and renovations under construction.
Aerial view of Keller MS Fine Arts addition and renovations under construction.


March 2022 Update

The conceptual design for the project was completed by the architect in the summer of 2021, and the design was reviewed by the Board of Trustees and approved at the June 21, 2021, Regular Board Meeting. The architect completed the construction drawings for the project early this spring. The construction manager for the project was selected and awarded the contract in November. 

With the challenging market conditions, in regard to inflationary trends with construction materials and mechanical equipment, the project team bid the project in two phases to get critical project items ordered as soon as possible. The steel, roofing, and mechanical equipment for the project were all bid early in March, and those costs were reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees on March 7. The remainder of the project was bid this month and the complete project cost was reviewed and approved by the Board on March 28. 

Temporary portable buildings will be provided for the 2022-23 school year to accommodate the number of classroom spaces that will be impacted by the construction of the new addition. A formal set of building plans has been completed for the work associated with portable classrooms and those plans have been submitted to the City of Keller staff for their code and permit review. 

Interior classroom layout with addition
Site Plan showing location of KMS portable buildings