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Fossil Hill MS Additions & Renovations

Rendering of FHMS addition

Status: Complete 
Construction Budget: $18,288,062
Scheduled Completion Date: December 2022

Fossil Hill Middle School will see the construction of a Fine Arts addition that includes a new band hall, choir classroom, orchestra room, art room, and associated storage spaces to support the program. There are also significant renovations and building code upgrades that will be done throughout the existing building.  

April 2023 Update

Black and gold cafeteria wall painting of panther and text that says, %22Fossil Hill Panthers%22
Black and gold wall painting that says, %22Panther Nation.%22
Black and gold mural of panther head and the words, %22Fossil Hill%22 on the office wall.

March 2023 Update

Aerial view of Fossil Hill MS renovations and addition.
Aerial view of Fossil Hill MS renovations and addition.
Fossil Hill MS HVAC system


March 2022 Update

The Fine Arts building addition structure has been constructed over the last several months. The masonry contractor is completing the brick veneer for the exterior of the building this month and the contractor is also completing the roof over the new addition. All the exterior doors and windows for the addition have been installed. Inside the new building addition, the rooms are currently being textured and painted. All mechanical and electrical above ceiling infrastructure to support the new program areas has been installed. Ceilings are also being installed at this time and the flooring will be installed over the next month. 

Aerial of FHMS addition progress in March 2022
Interior progress of new band hall

This summer, the final tie-ins will be completed to the existing hallways and existing school entries. The building addition will be complete and ready to be occupied for the 2022-23 school year. 

Last summer, significant renovations were completed in the gymnasium and locker room areas of the existing building. Throughout the school year, portions of the existing school building's classrooms and corridors have been renovated. As part of the renovation work taking place, a fire sprinkler system is also being installed to bring the building up to code. This summer, the remaining renovations will be completed in the library, cafeteria, administrative areas, and remaining classroom spaces. 

Renovated FHMS gym
Renovated FHMS hallway
Renovated locker room
Renovated FHMS classroom

All work scheduled for the project is scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2022. 

June 2021 Update

As of June 2021, demolition of site pavement for the addition is currently underway. Additionally, portables have been ordered and will be installed in late June and early July. Gym renovations have also started. 

Aerial showing where the FHMS addition will be located
Demolition taking place in gymnasium areas

Photos showing where the FHMS Fine Arts addition will be located and demolition in the gym area.