Florence ES Rebuild
Status: Completed
Construction Budget: $29,949,883
Scheduled Completion Date: July 2021
Site Work & Existing School Demo Complete: December 2021
Florence Elementary School was originally built in 1975 and is Keller ISD's oldest elementary (PreK-4) campus. This Bond 2019 project calls for the completion replacement of the campus on the existing campus site. Existing space on the property exists to allow for the construction of the new campus without any interruption to the existing building. After completion of the new building, the old campus will be demolished.
August 2021 Update
Posted by Keller ISD Bond on 8/19/2021
The new Florence Elementary School opened on Wednesday, August 18.
Keller ISD has a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) from the City of Southlake. The general contractor and KISD have developed a completion plan that will be executed over the coming months as we to finish interior and exterior elements that have been delayed due to COVID-19.
Exterior of the new Florence Elementary on the First Day of School!
Interior view of the FES Learning Commons area.
March 2021 Update
Posted by Keller ISD Bond on 3/23/2021
Despite unpredictable spring weather, Florence Elementary is still on track to open in August 2021.
Most of the structural steel is now in place and foundation work has been completed. Much of the interior framing is also up and sheetrock is being installed.
A late March 2021 view of the front facade of the new Florence ES.
Construction progress on the new FES cafeteria, looking toward a performance stage.
Looking through the courtyard of the new FES campus toward the classroom wing.
A look at the progress on administrative offices at the new FES campus.
October 2020 Update
Posted by Keller ISD Bond on 10/5/2020
Aerial images show the latest progress on the Florence Elementary construction site:
September 2020 Update
Posted by Keller ISD Bond on 9/9/2020 12:00:00 PM
The project contractor has mobilitized, installed perimter fencing around the construction zone areas of the property, set up the project job trailers, located existing utility lines, and has almost completed site grading and will start piles.
June 2020 Update
Posted by Keller ISD Bond on 6/17/2020
Despite Keller ISD's COVID-19 closure, progress continues on both the Florence Elementary and Heritage Elementary projects.
Florence's site plan was formally approved by the Southlake City Council in April and plans for Heritage have been submitted to the City of Fort Worth. In early May, the construction manager received bids for the construction of the two projects, but with the instability of the construction market since March, the manager and VLK Architects are continuing to work to ensure that the projects both remain within budget before accepting a bid.
Below is a look at the preliminary design of the new Florence Elementary School:
February 2020 Update
Posted by Keller ISD Bond on 2/7/2020
In January 2020, the Board of Trustees approved the design development of the new FES and HES campuses from VLK Architects. View the video below to see a flyover of the preliminary designs:
January 2020 Update
Posted by Keller ISD Bond on 1/24/2020
Below is a video from the January 23, 2020, Board Meeting at which VLK's Sloan Harris describes the design process for Florence Elementary and Heritage Elementary: