Instructional Resource FAQs

  • Below you can find the answers to frequently asked questions regarding Keller ISD instructional resources.  

  • Are books that were challenged during the 2021-22 school year being reviewed under newly adopted policies?

  • Will challenged books from last year go through the challenge process again?

  • When a book is challenged, what happens to copies of the book?

  • I signed up as a volunteer for challenge committees again. Are videos of the committee meetings going to be recorded and posted for the community to see?

  • What’s the difference between a library book and an instructional resource?

  • What is a classroom library?

  • Who may challenge a book or instructional resource?

  • Does a challenge have to go through a formal reconsideration committee?

  • How does formal reconsideration of a book or instructional material work?

  • Can a formal challenge be appealed if the challenger doesn’t like the decision of the committee?

  • When a parent/staff member challenges a book, how does the committee get a copy of the book?

  • Who will approve the purchase of books?

  • If a book is removed due to a challenge, when can the book be reconsidered?