• Sheriff's Report


    Students can earn a Sherrif Report by exhibiting exceptional Cowboy Code in one of the following areas:

    Self-Control, Hard Work, Positive Attitude, Responsibility, Teamwork, Honesty 

    When students earn a Sheriff's Report, they take a special trip to the office to meet with Ms. Tewell or Ms. Bradshaw, ring the Cowboy Bell, collect a spirit stick for their backpack, take a picture to be posted on the school TVs, and have their name entered into a monthly drawing for Cowboy of the Month!

    Let's go cowboys, and make it a great day! Cowboy Strong!

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  • Cowboy Code

    We care and share

    We use nice words

    We help others

    We have kind hands and feet

    We look and listen

    Cowboys are safe, respectful, and responsible