
  • Coming SoonPatti Plunkett, RN -

     Phone: (817) 744-5020
     Fax: (817) 744-5021










    Welcome to the new school year!  We are working hard to keep your families healthy and safe in today’s climate. I have much to share this year, and it is important that you review the following information:

    For the safety of our students and staff, please keep your child home if they are ill.  Daily self-screenings are no longer required and tracked by the district, but we do ask that parents, staff and students do a self-check of symptoms.  Anyone who might have fever or symptoms should stay off campus.  To view Keller ISD’s COVID protocols visit:  For FAQS visit:


    The school district considers 100.0F a fever.  If your child wakes up running a fever prior to the school day, please keep them home.  Please do not give them fever-reducing medications and send them to school.  If your child is complaining of a headache, sore throat, coughing or showing any signs of possible COVID-19.  Please keep them home for monitoring.  A complete list of symptoms can be found at


    If your child has a pending COVID-19 test, your child should not be sent to school.  If your child has symptoms of COVID-19 your child should not be sent to school. You can call the school nurse for guidance.

    If your child or someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, we do ask that you notify the school.  We are no longer quarantining close contacts, but if your child is a close contact and you choose to send them to school, it is recommended (but not required) that they wear a mask and that they are monitored closely for symptoms. If they become symptomatic, they will be asked to stay home until they meet the criteria to return to school.  If your child is a close-contact and you choose to quarantine, please contact the school and work with the school’s teacher and administration regarding their absence.  You can report positive student cases through the district’s website at


    If a child vomits at home during the night or in the morning prior to school, or if they are having diarrhea they should not come to school until they have stopped vomiting and/or been diarrhea-free for 24 hours. This reduces the risk of a possible virus being spread to other students even if the child is no longer exhibiting symptoms.   Many younger children with COVID are presented with diarrhea as the first symptom.


    School nurses will still be charged with contact tracing and notifying families of close contacts so we are expecting a busier than normal year. The clinic is a very busy place and many nurse visits can be avoided and handled in the classroom.  If your child is a frequent complainer or likes to visit the nurse, please talk to them about the importance of coming only when truly necessary.  All teachers will be supplied with basic first aid supplies so that small cuts and scrapes, loose teeth, chapped lips, etc. can be handled in the classroom.  This will help keep your well-student from encountering a potentially sick child while visiting the nurse.  


    I see many kids for bathroom accidents each day.  It would be helpful if you send your child a change of clothes (to be kept in their backpack) in case an accident or spill occurs.


    Please talk to your child about proper hand washing and covering their coughs and sneezes.  There are several videos and websites about handwashing.  We will be teaching this in school but reinforcement at home will help.


    Please note if there is a food allergy in class and follow all requested precautions.  Food allergies are life threatening.  Information will be posted outside your student’s classroom and notification will be sent home.  We request that snacks be NUT FREE due students switching classrooms for math. If there are additional food allergies in your child’s classroom, please make sure your child’s snack is safe.  Nut products are allowed at lunch, but we ask that parents please consider limiting these items for other’s safety.  Please talk to your child about the importance of not sharing food and handwashing.   For more information check with your child’s teacher or the nurse.


    Please do not send medications to school with your child.  Cough drops are considered a medication.  Children are not allowed to possess any medications in the classroom.  All medications must be kept with the nurse. This is for the safety of all students.  Medications must be in their original containers and must be the appropriate dosage for your child (children’s, junior strength, etc.).  Accurate prescription labels must be on all prescription medications. Written permission must be obtained before ANY medication can be given. There is a form that must be completed for medication administration that can be obtained from the nurse or the front office. Medication can be dropped off by making an appointment with the nurse. Drop off appointments are preferred, if possible.


    If your child suffers from a chronic or serious health condition or allergy, please notify the nurse.


    If your child is diagnosed by a healthcare provider as having influenza (the flu), please contact the school office or nurse so that we can track influenza trends.  If your child or a family member is diagnosed with COVID-19, please contact the nurse so that we can discuss next steps.


    Lice is a common problem in any school setting.  They do not discriminate and are not a sign of uncleanliness.  Although lice are a lot of work, they pose no health risks for your child.  If your child is found with live lice in their hair at school, they will be sent home.  We take measures to protect your child’s privacy and all children in the classroom are checked once 10% of the class has lice (10% usually equals 2 cases per class) within a 2 week period.  Please talk to your child about not sharing hats, brushes or combs. If your child is found with lice at home, it is a courtesy to let the nurse know so that numbers can be tracked and the class can be checked. Children cannot return to school until all live lice have been treated and removed. For more information on lice and proven treatments, you can visit


    It is the district’s policy to notify parents about any head injuries that occur on campus. If your child receives a significant bump to their head at school you will receive a call/email explaining that your child bumped their head, their status, and how to monitor for a possible concussion at home.