About Parkview Elementary




    Panther Pride 






    Black and Gold




    A GREAT Place to Learn!



    At Parkview Elementary we create a safe and engaging learning environment that fosters a community of lifelong learners and leaders. 




    Every day, our vision is to teach students how to lead and learn for today and tomorrow. 




    * We inspire educational excellence through collaborative relationships.

    * We cultivate life-long learning.

    * We are members of the learning community and will treat others with dignity and respect in regards to cultural differences and beliefs to create a safe environment.

    * We embrace change and innovation.

    * We have a positive attitude toward the future.

    * We make data-driven decisions.

    * We develop strong character traits and provide a safe, supportive, and engaging environment for students to be successful, life-long learners.

    * We believe all students’ true worth is measured not by their social status, intellect, or talents, but by the strength of their character.


    Feeder Pattern - Panther Pride


    Early Learning Center South - Pre-K

    Parkview Elementary - Grades Pre-K - 5

    Fossil Hill Middle School - Grades 6 - 8

    Fossil Ridge High School - Grades 9 - 12